Monday, March 5, 2012

It's the 5th day of March, so I am thinking about my 5 MOST favorite things:

-musicals ( Broadway, Off-Broadway, local, school, any type)

-baked potato ( HOT, crispy skin with Kosher salt)

-walking (especially outside; getting the heart rate up)

-cookbooks (reading them for recipes AND for pleasure)

-scented burning candles (non-sweet scents)

I encourage my students to keep "numbered" lists of all sorts of groupings in their writer's notebooks as seed ideas for all types of writing.


  1. Lists are a good way to get the mind rolling for future writings or simply to post as a slice of life. I really like the intentional capitalization on some of your words. It would be a good exercise for kids to see if they can figure out why are these words in all caps?

  2. Lists are great ways to get the mind in gear and thinking about longer pieces of writing!

  3. Great idea Pam. I'm thinking about that baked potato. That might make my list too. Great for those student notebooks too.
